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Aeria SDK Reference

Aeria has an officially supported SDK that enables third-party interaction with Aeria APIs. The SDK benefits from data reflected from the backend to provide strong typing.

Getting started

First thing needed is to setup the package.json with properties that will be used by the code generation utility. Create a top-level property called aeriaSdk that contains a publicUrl string property. The publicUrl should point to a running Aeria instance.

  "aeriaSdk": {
    "publicUrl": ""

Next, create a describe script that will invoke the aeria-sdk CLI utility.

  "scripts": {
    "describe": "aeria-sdk"

Running the describe script should generate a aeria-sdk.d.ts file inside project root folder and some files under node-modules/.aeria-sdk that will be used by the runtime. The aeria-sdk.d.ts file shouldn't be excluded from commits.


Make sure to call the describe script (npm run describe or the equivalent of another package managers) during the deployment pipeline fo your application, otherwise runtime will fail.



Type: string

The public URL of the Aeria API the SDK will connect to.


Type: string

The public URL of the Aeria API the SDK will connect to.



type StorageStrategy =
  | 'none'
  | 'memo'
  | 'localStorage'


Type: string

The prefix to be used to store keys in localStorage or sessionStorage. Defaults to aeria.


Type: boolean

Creating an instance

Instancing the Aeria SDK should now be pretty easy. No additional runtime configuration is needed, just import aeria from aeria-sdk. The aeria export is a strongely typed top-level object that grants access to every API resource. Example:

import { aeria } from 'aeria-sdk'

const main = async () => {
  const { error, result: people } = await aeria.person.getAll.POST({
    filters: {
      job: 'programmer'

  // your code goes here

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Released under the MIT License.