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App configuration

Aeria has an all-in-one configuration object that will among other things define the root component, the menu schema, initial routes and i18n settings. This object is passed to useApp() that will then render your application.


type AppOptions = {
  component: Component
  dashboardComponent?: Component
  i18n?: any
  menuSchema?: MenuSchema
  routes?: RouteRecordRaw[]
  setup?: () => void | Promise<void>


This is a helper function that will provide strong typing and callback support for defining app options. It receives the options as a literal object or by a callback that returns it.


const options = defineOptions({
  menuSchema: [
    // ...

useApp(options).then((app) => {

The navigation menu in Aeria UI is generated from a MenuSchema object that goes in app options. In it's most basic form, the menu schema is an array of strings matching route names. For example:

const menuSchema: MenuSchema = [

Menu entries however can become more complex as needed. They can be collapsed, have children entries, and have a callback to display a custom badge near it. Below is a menu schema making using of all these features:

const menuSchema: MenuSchema = [
    collapsed: false,
    meta: {
      title: 'Config',
      icon: 'cog'
    badge: async () => {
      return businessLogic()
    children: [
] (string | Symbol)?

A string or symbol representing a route name.

node.roles (Array<string> | ((role: Array<string>) => boolean | Promise<boolean>))?

Will make this menu entry visible only to roles specified by an array of strings, or by a custom callback.

node.badge (() => Promise<string | number>)?

This property specifies a callback whose result will be rendered inside a badge near the menu entry.


The execution of this callback will be memoized, meaning it won't run more than once on subsequent re-renderizations.

node.collapsed (boolean | 'user')?

If set to node.true, this property will determine that the collapsible entry should be initially collapsed on page load. Otherwise it will appear uncollapsed.

node.children Array<string | MenuAdvancedChild>?

This property determines the route entries that will go inside the collapsible entry. Collapsible routes can recurse infinitely inside each other this way.

node.meta object?

This property determines the node.title and icon that should be displayed by the entry on the menu.


The instance config is defined inside a instance.json file in the same level the package.json of your frontend project is. The purpose of it being separate from overall configuration is because the configuration contained in it must be made available during build time.

type InstanceConfig = {
  site: {
    title?: string
    signinText?: string
    signupForm?: boolean
  icons?: {
    safeList?: string[]
    libraries?: string[]
  vite?: import('vite').InlineConfig

site.title string?

The title of your application.

site.signinText string?

A text that will be put above the sign in form.

site.signupForm boolean?

This toggles the visibility of the button leading to the sign up form in the sign in page.


This is a client-side only flag. To make sign up available in your application, you must also set up the backend properly.

icons.safeList string[]?

This property should contain an array of icon names that for some reason can't be matched statically.

icons.safeList string[]?

This property specifies libraries to be included in during static search for icons.

vite import('vite').InlineConfig?

Vite configuration to be merged into the default one.

Released under the MIT License.