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Error Handling

Aeria provides a set of functions and types meant to help with safe handling of errors.

Using the Result namespace

The Result namespace consists of the error() and result() functions, used to write error-safe functions, and of the Error<T>, Result<T>, and Either<E, R> types. Below is an example of how a error-safe function is written:

import { Result } from 'aeria'

enum CustomError {
  BusinessLogicError = 'BUSINESS_LOGIC_ERROR',

// const fn: () => Result.Either<
//   CustomError.BusinessLogicError,
//   ReturnType<typeof computation>
// >
const fn = () => {
  if( businessLogic() ) {
    return Result.error(CustomError.BusinessLogicError)

  return Result.result({
    computed: computation()

Later, to access the return type of that function, we destructure error and result properties that can be narrowed down to the actual result. To forward the error or result of a error-safe function, simply wrap the value inside another Result.error() or Result.result().

router.GET('/route', (context) => {
  const { error, result } = fn()
  if( error ) {
    // const error: CustomError.BusinessLogicError
    return context.error(HTTPStatus.InternalServerError, {
      code: error,

  // const result: ReturnType<typeof computation>
  return Result.result(result)

Extracting Result types

Sometimes you need to isolate the types of a Result ahead of time. This can be achieved with the ExtractResult<T> and ExtractError<T> utility types exported from Aeria.

declare const ResultOrError: Result.Either<'my error', 'my result'>

// const result: 'my result'
declare const result: ExtractResult<ReturnType<typeof fn>>

// const error: 'my error'
declare const error: ExtractError<ReturnType<typeof fn>>

Returning endpoint errors

The EndpointError<Code, Details, HTTPStatus, Message> is a special type of error meant to be returned from endpoints (routes or collection functions). Morphologically it's still a Result.Error<T>, but with a structure that will be understood as an endpoint error across the application.

import { createRouter, HTTPStatus, ACError } from 'aeria'

export const router = createRouter()

router.GET('/route', (context) => {
  if( businessLogic() ) {
    return context.error(HTTPStatus.NotFound, {
      code: ACError.ResourceNotFound,

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